Saturday, August 13, 2011

Walls...glorious WALLS!

So we've made some progress and I know all eleven of you are chomping at the bit to see our progress.  Hold onto your hats folks 'cause we have.....................walls!

I think it's important to address an analogy that comes to mind when working on a home.  You know how you go to the beach and have a great time but then hours or even days later your finding sand in the darndest places?  Well that is how I feel about the process we have upon us now.  Painting...all the pink, coral, putty, peach, flesh toned wall those stupid owners painted.  But it isn't the walls that make me think of sand getting in my underwear or my ears; no, it's where I am now finding all of that putrid color.  I'm finding it painted in behind the ladder leading to the attic.  I'm finding it in every inch of the hutch or any given built-in.  I'm finding it in every corner and nook of this wonderful house.  I hurt for this house because it was forced to wear this godforsaken color for who-knows-how-long.

The other component of this analogy is where I tend to find paint on me.  Like my mother I tend to wear it home.  In my hair, on my clothes and of course under my nails.  It's only after you exit the shower and your spouse asks why and how you got paint under your pit that you wonder, "how the hell DID I get paint under my pit."

Now I dealing with more than just paint...we're in the world of laying tile.  So that means I'm working with mortar.  That's like cement for a homeowner and I've got that cement EVERYWHERE.  I even found some this morning after my first bout with mortar last night.  It was on my backside for those of you wondering.  Mortar is like glue with sand.  At first I thought this might help "exfoliate" the latex paint off my hands but really it just adds another layer to my body.  Did I mention that I backed up into the mortar bucket.  I had the entire rim smeared across my cute rear end.  Now I feel like I'm sitting on rubble every time I drive home.

On the flip side, I layed the tile floor in our bathroom.  I have never done anything like that before.  I've watched videos on You Tube, read DIY magazines and watched enough HGTV to be considered an ultimate fan. When it came time to actually lay this tile...I did it.  And it looks good.  Even my father-in-law, a retired engineer, was impressed by my tiling prowess.

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