Saturday, August 13, 2011

Things I never knew...does this make me smarter?

Did you know they sell "nipples" at Home Depot.  I certainly thought Jeff was pulling my leg when he said he need to "run out for some nipples".  I now know that these are plumbing components need to attach a sink or toilet to the water line.

Did you know there was such a thing called "bitchathane".  It's an adhesive used to prevent leaks between seams in a bathroom or kitchen.

Did you also know that if you wear overalls you automatically get more attention when you walk into a place like Home Depot...and you get a smirk when you happen to be a five foot tall redhead with said overalls asking where I might find "nipples".  Go there...I did and it was a hoot.

I have also realized that it doesn't matter who signed on the dotted line.  My husband will forever be referred to as "The Homeowner" whenever we get mail.  That'll ruffle a girls feathers.

So the big question is, "Does any of this ridiculous information make me smarter?".  No, but it certainly makes for interesting hardware store conversation.

Now...are you ready to get your minds blown?  We've been busy!

Like I mentioned before, we have finished laying the tile floor in the bathroom.  I have to say it looks awesome!!!!

We also decided to bring in the big guns and get wood floors installed in the hall, spare bedroom and master bedroom.

We will have a professional team come in this next week to prepare the existing floor in the living and dining room for a fresh stain and polyurethane coats.  It's going to look UH-MAZING!  

Friends and family have been helping us purge the peach.  Amanda "Priming Princess" Zehavi was here on Thursday while the lovely Annie "Glossy Coat Goddess" Martzell did her magic on Friday. 

 Jeff's parents came back into town to help with painting and the bathroom walls.

 Slowly but surely this ugly duckling is becoming the swan we knew her to be.


  1. So excited to hear more of your have a way with words Hubbell! Keep the blogs coming when you have time!!! Cant wait to see the finished product! you go girl!

  2. When I was college, Roger once replaced what he referred to as a nipple in the car. Who knew? I could barely keep a straight face.
