Saturday, July 9, 2011

That's a whole lotta....

 What do a large truck, an elephant, a baleen whale, three walrus, and ten horses have in common?

They all weigh approximately six tons.  How does this relate to home improvement?  Well...over the last nine days Jeff, Roger and I have removed six tons of plaster, lath and other debris from our home.

That means we lifted six tons, dragged six tons, threw six tons, hauled six tons or loaded six tons into our PURPLE dumpster.

I can tell you that our home looks bare and almost naked without the plaster lath overalls.  But like a newborn babe this house is going to be wrapped in new, new, new.

Now the headache of prioritizing comes into play.  Our to-do list seems epic so maybe you'd like a glimpse...
1.  New wiring/electric throughout the house  (we've hired someone since we don't want anymore "excitement" in our lives)

2.  Insulation of the exterior walls, ceilings and any interior wall needing an extra sound barrier (We are doing this...imagine yourself on a ladder, 9 feet in the air, on a hot July day with fists full of itchy installation.  Volunteers??????  Didn't think so.)

    3.  Drywall (My boss' husband and his crew are swooping in to save the day!)

      Not to mention:  In the bathroom... -Flooring (sheet rock or another durable and water resistant membrane
      -Floor tile
      -Frame out wall for shower
      -Installation of the tub
      -Drywall with water-resistant membrane
      -Strip and paint cabinet

      -Replace or refurbish cabinet hardware
      -Strip and paint built-in medicine cabinet
      -Tile wall
      -Paint walls (color...I hope)
      -Install light fixtures
      -Replace vent cover

      There's also...

      -Purchase and install a new hot water heater
      -Sand floors
      -Stain floors
      -Polyurethane floors

      And much much more.  Oh!  Did I mention that I accidentally broke a window that will need to be replaced?  WHA!?!?!?!?!  This has been, what many may call, an education.  MAMP!  The flip-side:

      -I'm sleeping like a baby.
      -My biceps and triceps look HOT!
      -I'm coming home cleaner than I have in the past few days since the ceilings came down.
      -A day off seems deserved.
      -And finally, I am humbled.

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