Sunday, July 3, 2011

I'd love to post the second installment of the sewer-line fiasco but we are going to hold off until more has transpired.  Instead we have decided to load a photo archive of all the shenanigans we have be up to.  Hold on to your hats folks...this is gonna be a bumpy ride.

Remember the nasty carpet and faux wood paneling? 


But now we have crumbing plaster lath, circa 1911 and some questionable wall paper.  So naturally our next step is to tear that sh*t apart.

Hi Karyn.  I see you!

Our amazing friends Karyn and Michael show up to give us a hand.            

Trash.  We hate dumping this in a landfill so we decided to keep it out of plastic bags so that it would break down over time.

Walls are so overrated!

Which way to the gun show?  This is what you call "construction tan" aka DIRT!

Safety first ya'll.
Supervising is a very important job.

Monkey see monkey do.
Nice and clean...well sorta.


  1. Wow, I'm really impressed! I can't wait to see what progresses!

  2. I am dying over the pictures of Roger in the beams (God bless retired fathers-in-law) and you and Jeff looking like coal miners!

  3. You Go Girl. Jeff looks like he's from W VA.
