Sunday, June 19, 2011

We never said this was gonna be pretty...

This weekend marked the first of many when our leisure time is a distant memory!  The week started off with a bang, see previous posts, but quickly tapered.  Summer school is in morning session which leaves my afternoons wide open.  In my naivety I thought I'd head straight to the house and work for a solid four-five hours and then head home, meet Jeff and head back to the house for round two.  Who was I kidding?  The work that needs to be done seems to be happening at a slow pace because of contractor schedules or our schedules.  Frustrating but expected.  Tomorrow marks the first official day with our contractor who will be working on the sewer line.  We had our electrician install the new exterior panel this past week so I guess it isn't fair to say nothing has been accomplished.  Now would be a good time to mention some of the lessons I have learned thus far when it comes to rehabbing an old home.  They are as follows:

1.  Slow and steady wins the race.  I thought of myself as a jack rabbit but no longer.
2.  Eye protection is your friend when holding anything that could = Emergency Room.
3.  It is possible to smell your own morning breathe...brush your teeth before wearing a mask.
4.  Grease and cigarette smoke make for a nasty clean-up.
5.  When your new neighbor offers you a beer...say yes.
6.  You will find more projects as your day goes on...little and BIG.
7.  Find a rehab buddy or some slammin' music, it gets lonely scrubbing down greasy cabinets after hour 3.
8.  Take a minute to smell the roses, I happen to have a few in my backyard and it put it all into perspective
9.  Listen to your mother, call your father but most important...if you make a hole in the kitchen your husband.
10.  You will feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of this project...see #1.

 Like I said before...we never said this was going to be pretty.  

Your honor I'd like to introduce Exhibit A...
This is going to be a major overhaul but the potential and end result will be all worth it!  I've posted some pics of the last few days to catch you all up on the adventure.

Some of the drawers from the dining room hutch. We are replacing the hardware so they keep with the traditional craftsman era.

My sanding station...super high tech.

While I'd love to bring them down to the original wood and stain them we have decided to go with white.

The beginning of a major and unexpected repair...whoops.  The previous owner  decided to wallpaper the kitchen.  That would have been fine had they used actual wallpaper; this is contact paper!  

That was bad until we realized it was covering hardboard circa 1985 glued in place.  WONDERFUL!  In an attempt to remove the hardboard I inadvertently removed the wall instead.  Jeff and I agree that this wall will come down when we renovate the three years.  For now we will be doing a patch-job.  Come to think of it...patching is for holes.  This sucker is a crater!

Well, that sums up the last few days.  Tomorrow is a new day and will be full of more to-do.  

1 comment:

  1. Looks good so far!

    And this goes without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyhow...

    Feel free to call us any time you're heading over to the house. We want to help. And we love putting holes in walls. :)
